
Fall Break

I have been home for almost 24 hours.
So far I have:

Eaten at my all time favorite Mexican food restaurant.

Played at least an hours worth of ball with my puppy...
Received several sloppy kisses from my puppy.
"Accidentally" fed my puppy strawberry bites and some ice cream.

Eaten chili. Am about to eat yummy chicken and vegetable casserole stuff.

Have gotten some pictures printed off.

Found and purchased BROWN NAIL POLISH!

Sat in front of my family's new giant t.v. and watched DVRed Amazing Race.
(Have I mentioned I'm addicted to t.v.? I need to catch up on Dancing with the Stars online and Glee. Plus Rorie and I are planning on watching the last 5 episodes of Buffy this weekend. Yikes!)

Just won a fight with my father over the nice new giant t.v.

Slept in my comfy bed.

Fought with my sisters. :)

Added a few sentences to my Spanish paper.

Went to Wal-Mart.

Read a magazine.

I love fall break. I love being home. My mom and I are going to watch 17 Again tonight, I love me some Zac Efron. All the things I love in one place at one time. Life is wonderful. Oh, and I didn't have to drive back on the ride home. A MAJOR plus in my book. Rorie is such a wonderful person that she even let me sleep.

Also, I am dead set on getting that boy back into my life. I have formulated a plan that will be put back into action as soon as this break is over. Cross your fingers for me. I really want this to work out. I think I'll be much happier, regardless, if I just say something. But it would be wonderful if he wants to be a part of my life too.

Rorie doesn't like him very much, none of my friends do. They just don't trust him because he has pushed me out of his life before. It's fair. But she told me yesterday that she would start talking to him again if I wanted. What a good friend! Concerned with my happiness and what not. She dyed her hair dark dark dark today. Strange, cause the past few years she has been dirty blond with light blond high lights and I can't wait to see it.

Kendall did not come home, unfortunately for the rest of us. BOO!

I hope you are having a good fall break world. I know I sure am! Wish all my homework was done thought, so my laziness could be complete.
