

I am addicted to television. Maybe not so impressive, however, I don't have cable and I also don't have time to harbor my bad habits. On a regular day I go to class in the morning and work in the afternoon, I'm up from 8 to 6 constantly running. I return home, do some homework, go out somewhere [probably for too long], come back, go to bed exhausted, wake up much too early, and force myself to go to class.
It's a horrible cycle but somehow I manage to fit in my daily television fix. I stay up late, I blow off homework, I watch while I eat, I turn watching a show into a social event...it's crazy.
On a regular basis I take in: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Friends, House, Gossip Girl, Dancing with the Stars, and Grey's Anatomy. Some I watch on DVD [one of my roommates has a rather impressive collection of series box sets] or on the internet.
I can't go one whole day without it. TV has found it's way into my routine and I need to escape.
On a different note, I recently cut approximately 5 inches off of my hair. A necessary and welcome change, however, I am not one to fix my hair on a daily basis. I liked when my long hair air dried and was wavy. Quick, easy, no fuss. Short hair requires straightening....not okay.
