
can't breathe, can't sleep, can't eat

It's finals week and I am super sick.
I swear it's my luck that every year around this time I will be ill.
It all started on Friday night. I slept for 14 hours and when I woke up on Saturday morning I couldn't speak. I also felt extremely weak, Christmas shopping for 4 hours that day did me in. Sunday I woke up at 10 and laid in bed until 1ish. I was too lazy and exhausted to move. I did homework and things, but rarely did anything that involved standing up. I also couldn't really eat. Today I about passed out when I was putting my contacts in. I blacked out, grabbed our bathroom counter, and went back to my bed to lay down. I had to curl my hair while sitting on a bar stool from our kitchen. After my final today I went to our Student Health center and was given a Zip-Loc bag of drugs. Which I took this afternoon, but haven't touched since.
I'm starting to feel sick again but I am in our living room on the couch and am too lazy to move. I have a fever and I can feel it sneaking back over me. You know when you sweat just from sitting and then you get the chills because of it? This is the type of sick I am. Holding up my own head is daunting. My entire body also feels like I was hit by truck and left in the middle of the street. And it's finals week. I have a paper to write for Wednesday and a test to take tomorrow.
To top it all off, I have to work this week. I took the next two weeks off so I could go home for at least a portion of my break. This means that I really cannot call in sick and have to pretend that I am feeling decent while I am there even though I am miserable.
All this sickness came about with the snow. Therefore, I blame it. I want it to melt. I want to wear tank tops. I want to lay out and be tan. Booo!