
can't breathe, can't sleep, can't eat

It's finals week and I am super sick.
I swear it's my luck that every year around this time I will be ill.
It all started on Friday night. I slept for 14 hours and when I woke up on Saturday morning I couldn't speak. I also felt extremely weak, Christmas shopping for 4 hours that day did me in. Sunday I woke up at 10 and laid in bed until 1ish. I was too lazy and exhausted to move. I did homework and things, but rarely did anything that involved standing up. I also couldn't really eat. Today I about passed out when I was putting my contacts in. I blacked out, grabbed our bathroom counter, and went back to my bed to lay down. I had to curl my hair while sitting on a bar stool from our kitchen. After my final today I went to our Student Health center and was given a Zip-Loc bag of drugs. Which I took this afternoon, but haven't touched since.
I'm starting to feel sick again but I am in our living room on the couch and am too lazy to move. I have a fever and I can feel it sneaking back over me. You know when you sweat just from sitting and then you get the chills because of it? This is the type of sick I am. Holding up my own head is daunting. My entire body also feels like I was hit by truck and left in the middle of the street. And it's finals week. I have a paper to write for Wednesday and a test to take tomorrow.
To top it all off, I have to work this week. I took the next two weeks off so I could go home for at least a portion of my break. This means that I really cannot call in sick and have to pretend that I am feeling decent while I am there even though I am miserable.
All this sickness came about with the snow. Therefore, I blame it. I want it to melt. I want to wear tank tops. I want to lay out and be tan. Booo!


I can't open my e-mail EITHER

F you Midwest Private College. F you.
After successfully completing a huge research paper on the Arthurian court, as well as a paper on Marriage-a-la-Mode, I e-mailed them to myself. "Kendall," I said to myself, "You are rockin for getting these papers done, yes, rockin. E-mail them to yourself, print them off over your lunch break."
F you Midwest Private College. F you.
Driving home to get my flashdrive in a bit? Unfortunately, yes.
Brynn-I feel your pain. Let's go to dinner tonight, yes?
I'll write more later, but for now . . . I'm saying to myself, "Fail, Kendall . . . you fail."

Kendall on the Dark Side

One Misfortune After the Other

I am having the worst night ever.
The badness started around 1 p.m. when I had to shovel my car out of 2 feet of snow so that I could go to work (a place I have been forgetting to miss during my past two snow days).
It continued when I got to work, did the things no one else wants to do, such as searching through 15,000 names trying to manually find matches that the computer missed because of spelling mistakes. This is just as fun as it sounds.
I then decided to be nice (bummer) and drive to pick dinner up for my room mate and I. It took me 20 minutes to get to Noodles & Co. from work. A drive that takes at most, if I hit every single red light, 10 minutes. It took me just as long to get from Noodles to the intersection where I work. 40 minutes of time wasted when I could have already been home. This was mistake number one.
It took me over an hour to get back to campus and when I got here I realized we have been banished from our largest parking lot. The grounds crew begged that we all stay out of the lot until after midnight tonight so that they could, please, oh please, clear away some of the snow so we could all safely drive/park.
I parked on the street, way too far away, and walked in heels over ice. Scary.
While eating, I decided I needed a break. My room mate and I popped in an episode of One Tree Hill (40ish minutes). Mistake number two: I watched the whole thing.
By this point it was 7:35 ish and I had a meeting to have my Spanish paper examined at 8. Seems okay right? Wrong. Half of my Spanish paper was written in English. I get lazy sometimes...Ooops. This ended up turning out fine, thanks to my new hero who can be found in my school's library. He is the nicest guy ever and puts up with my constant crap and moaning about Spanish. After he looked at my paper the first time I rushed down to the computer lab to translate the rest of it. I finished this 15 minutes before the editing place closed and the guy read over it too. (He's my hero, for real) Rather than save this to my flash drive however, I emailed it to myself thinking it would be just as easy and quicker. This will become mistake number three.
Back in my room, I allowed myself to be distracted way too often. By Facebook, by my room mates, by this blog. Eh. I started talking to a boy I meant to ignore until the end of time. We discussed things I have been trying to repress for about a month. Mistake number four.
While we were having this discussion I discovered....


What the hell am I supposed to do? Retype my Spanish paper which is due at 1 p.m. tomorrow? Go to sleep and say the hell with it? Cry? Sit in shock? I'm really at a loss. I finished all my other homework. Today, clearly was not my day. But I'm not feeling too bad about it. I think this is just because after tomorrow it will all be over. My finals week isn't that great, I love taking 18 credit hours!, but it won't be as bad as dead week has been. How ironic.




My current state:
Sitting on my bed. Sideways. My back is against the wall and my feet are hanging over the side. I have papers scattered all around me and I'm trying to create an argumentative Spanish paper that is due on Friday. My trusty LifeSavers Gummies Sours are by my side (even though I have eaten almost all of them). I'm wondering how much longer it's going to be before they are gone and I have to move on to the Sour Patch Kids I have hiding in the kitchen.
Do you care about school lunches? If they are healthy or not? How much they cost? Did you know a large majority of schools do not serve lunches that meet health standards set by the USDA (the part of the US government that funds the lunch program)? Did you also know that the USDA does nothing about this because they don't want to fit the bill of feeding America's children fresh fruits and veggies? I did. And my Spanish teacher is about to.
I spent the entire weekend and the better part of this week in our living room with my papers all over our coffee table and my computer sitting on the couch. This allowed me to watch Grey's Anatomy (an entire season's worth) while writing a different paper and studying for a test. Brilliant, I know. It also let me watch the snow fall...and fall...and fall.
Currently there is over a foot of snow outside. It snowed all day yesterday up until about 2 a.m. I know this because I was awake and finishing my paper when the snow finally stopped. I built a snowman in it and it was great fun. I also haven't had to work in the past two days or go anywhere really. Not that I could if I wanted to, considering there is snow piled up to the license plate on the back of my car. I'm probably going to have to work tomorrow, which means I need to find me a shovel... :) That's going to be a great story.
I guess I'm writing this because I feel trapped due to the snow.
I also feel that I should explain that I am not a slutty person.
I do not kiss many boys.
I don't get attached to many boys.
I don't trust them and I don't feel the need to use them for random make-out sessions.
I want a relationship, but I don't want to look for one.
I expect all things to come to me.
Crazy, right?
The point is, this weekend was a strange twist for me. Which is perhaps why I feel dirtier about it than I should. And being trapped with my thoughts, and my homework, isn't really making me feel better.
Good news is, I don't regret what happened. I just know better for future endeavors.


just had an awkward talk with that boy from this weekend.
it's official.
i'm a whore.
not really.
but i feel dirty.


Dear Kendall

This weekend was pretty awful.
I spent each and every night with the cops.
The cops.
I'm not in trouble.
It was for class. I'm writing a paper about them. Their communication styles. The radio. Their fancy schmanzy lap top. Pulling people over. Being a bad ass. Seeing the holding cells at the jail. Walking into strangers houses and listening to them get lectured/counseled by the cops. No one questions you when you're with a cop. People look at you. Stare even. But they don't speak to you. Or question you. They wonder why you're there. You see it in their eyes. Because you look just like them. You're a civilian too. But you're riding shot gun, with an actual shot gun hitting you in the head. You're listening to the radio. You're wondering who's going to get in trouble next, who else needs to be helped. You really are a bad ass.
Police are cool. I never before realized that they aren't all out to get me. That they're just doing their job. That most of them don't like pulling people over for traffic violations. That I can go 10 mph over the speed limit without getting ticketed. What great knowledge!
I should have also done lots of homework.
I didn't.
I have a test tomorrow.
I haven't studied yet.
I did fill out a study guide.
Yes, I rock.
Not really.
Who wants to write a Spanish paper?
Not meeeee.
Especially about meal options.
I did a bad thing this weekend.
With a boy.
A boy I care about.
A boy I talked about on here.
No, Kendall, not J. The other one.
We are about to have an awkward talk.
I love life.
Please call me so we can talk more about this.
Oh, Rori and I got in a fight.
Oh well.
Hopefully things are okay.
I think they are.
I'm watching Grey's Anatomy. I know how much you love it!
What do you think of the snow?
Hate it?
I do.
It's a pain to drive through.
I've missed you lots recently.
Hopefully I'll see you soon even though this week is awful.
<3 Brynn