I haven't been blogging lately.
We haven't been blogging lately.
This is mostly because school is currently in its most ass kicking state.
Which I hate. And basically means I have no life.
There are no boys in my life either.
I don't really want to talk about it.
Things were going great for a couple of weeks with the second boy and then
I was hit with the "I don't have time for you" excuse.I did not ask to date him.
I did not initiate us kissing (although I did enjoy it...).
I did have to deal with the aftermath of moving from more than friends back to friends, which is awkward, painful, and no fun.
I am currently home on Thanksgiving break.
This is what I am most thankful for.
Even though I drove home, alone, in the dark, after working for four hours, craving Skittles during the entire three hour drive but being way too lazy and poor to stop to buy them it's all okay.
I saw my dog.
I hugged my mom.
I danced with my sisters.
I ate pumpkin cake bar stuff.
I watched the lovely hometown news.
And I've giggled lots.
Tomorrow we are driving to Colorado.
My dad's office has a house in the mountains where I will be spending Thanksgiving.
I might even get to ski.
Party (in the USA).
I also found out that my dad will be taking a separate car to CO.
This is very good news because that means I get to pick the music during the five hour drive. And sleeeeep uninterrupted.
I haven't been sleeping lately.
Not sure why really.
I am exhausted but wide awake.
I know that makes no sense, but it is exactly how I feel.
And I fall asleep at awkward and horrible times.
Like in class or at my computer at work.
Bad bad bad.
Oh well.
There may be one boy in my life.
A cute one.
I work with him, but we hadn't really talked until today.
He has bright blue eyes and dark hair.
I'm a sucker for that.
Mmmmm and he's funny.
And he seemed pretty interested in my life.
And getting me to work late with him.
Too bad I had to drive home, otherwise who knows what would have happened.
The "I'm under 21" cat is also out of the bag.
Which is good, because it is the most awkward thing ever to be asked to go for drinks and have to say you're underage.
(FYI I don't drink much anyway. The first time I ever drank was last summer when I was abroad and I've only drank in the US once. So it's not like I would abuse my ability to go to a bar or anything like that.)
I don't think the people I work with remember I'm only a junior in college.
Oh well.
What are you thankful for?
The upcoming promise of homemade mashed potatoes?
Family and friends?
No snow (in my life) yet this year?
The end of the semester?
This music video?
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