I absolutely had to add this amazing picture of John Mayer that has been in my Photobucket for . . . urm . . . a good three years. Continuum is my all time favorite album. It's literally good from beginning to end and going along with Brynn's last post, I just have to say that it IS the perfect autumn album, and I pretty much repeat 7-"Stop This Train," and 11-"In Repair." Ah, how's that for a plug John Mayer? Maybe he'll see this now and fall in love with me. Eh, I'll hold out for Johnny Depp.
So, today was interesting. I knew that two of my classes were going to be canceled, so in an attempt to enjoy my extra hour of sleep, I rolled out of bed and headed off to my only other class at 10:00 a.m. As I'm walking up to the building I think to myself . . . "Hmmm, that would suck if this class got canceled too and then I will have gotten up for nothing!" I said this to myself, of course. I'm not crazy enough to allow my internal monologues a great deal of external time. Anyway, I get to the door and BAM! Canceled! WTF. Can these professors really not take the time to shoot an e-mail? I then proceeded to my apartment where I messed around online, watched Battlestar Galactica clips, read about season 8 of Buffy (comic form) in Marvel magazine, and then cleaned. Oh, what a productive day.
Now I'm sitting in my living room watching television. Monday is my back to back of "One Tree Hill" and "Greek." Both have gone down the tube, but I have faith in film, so I remain a watcher. Not the Slayer kind, the t.v. watching kind. Though a Slayer I just may be. You never know. Eventually I'm going to have to get out of my lazy routine, shower, and head downtown to celebrate my friend's 22nd. I don't really enjoy drinking, I've already eaten, and I have class at 8 a.m. Really people? On a Monday? Ugh. I need to stop complaining. The first step to fixing a problem is admitting you have one. I probably have many . . . *insert evil laugh here*
I'm also addicted to Owl City's new song "Fireflies." Fo rizzle, I can't stop listening to it. It makes me think of glitter, dreams, and just all around awesomeness. So, che che che che che check it out.
So Say We All-
Kendall on the Dark Side
If ten million fireflies
Posted by Live From Fleet Street at 8:44 PM 1 comments
Slow Dancing in a Burning Room
I feel like I have my whole life together. Like I'm an adult. FINALLY.
-I have my own place. Well, I share an on campus fancy shmancy [dish washer and washer and dryer included] apartment with 3 other girls. We all get along well. I'm only close friends with one of them, Rorie, and other than random venting fests, we mind our own business.
-This is the first year since I've been at school that I have not had to deal with a psychotic roommate. The past 2 years I lived with another one of my high school friends. Her boyfriend was crazy, but she spent all her time with him. She threw fits when I hung out with Rorie, Kendall, and other people, claiming that I didn't care about her and never wanted to see her. It's hard to see someone when their cheating boyfriend lives across town and they always need to be there...
-I cook for myself. Usually just mac n cheese or some sort of rice concoction. Pasta is popular too. Regardless, it's more than toast or microwaveable mystery something or other. I also eat lots of fruits and veggies. Something I cannot say I did last year.
-On that same note, I buy my own groceries. Which I did today, list and all. I forgot my reusable bags though and almost waited to go to the store. I realized I wouldn't be able to eat and forged ahead anyway.
-I have a job. Even though I'm a full time student, I'm managing to go to work every day after class until around 6. This is technically called an internship, but it's paid, so I consider it a job. I love being there, which is just an added bonus.
-I'm managing to keep my grades up! 18 credit hours and all.
-I clean. Vacuum. Scrub the toilet. Wipe down sinks. Not fun, but necessary.
I absolutely love the feeling of self-sufficiency, but I can't help feeling like something's missing. Like if my life is so perfect why can't I find a boy to share it with. And that may sound crazy, it does sound crazy, I am in no way looking to marry anytime soon. It would just be nice to have someone to cuddle up next to every now and again.
P.S. Check out John Mayer's album, Continuum. It's the only thing I've been listening to lately. Kendall claims it's the perfect fall album and I'm starting to believe her. I can't get track 8 out of my head...maybe because it reminds me of a certain boy and how things between us are all sorts of messed up and they probably won't get better...
Posted by Live From Fleet Street at 7:25 PM 0 comments
I am addicted to television. Maybe not so impressive, however, I don't have cable and I also don't have time to harbor my bad habits. On a regular day I go to class in the morning and work in the afternoon, I'm up from 8 to 6 constantly running. I return home, do some homework, go out somewhere [probably for too long], come back, go to bed exhausted, wake up much too early, and force myself to go to class.
It's a horrible cycle but somehow I manage to fit in my daily television fix. I stay up late, I blow off homework, I watch while I eat, I turn watching a show into a social event...it's crazy.
On a regular basis I take in: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Friends, House, Gossip Girl, Dancing with the Stars, and Grey's Anatomy. Some I watch on DVD [one of my roommates has a rather impressive collection of series box sets] or on the internet.
I can't go one whole day without it. TV has found it's way into my routine and I need to escape.
On a different note, I recently cut approximately 5 inches off of my hair. A necessary and welcome change, however, I am not one to fix my hair on a daily basis. I liked when my long hair air dried and was wavy. Quick, easy, no fuss. Short hair requires straightening....not okay.
Posted by Live From Fleet Street at 2:27 PM 0 comments
There's a world beneath these fireworks
I haven't slept in my own apartment for 2 days. I have "Paranormal Activity" to thank for that. There is definitely something exciting about the adrenaline one gets when being scared, but this whole being afraid to sleep alone thing reminded me of a conversation I had with a friend a few years ago. She told me that she never watches any horror movies and avoids anything extremely violent on television and the news. "Why let that negativity and bad energy into your life when you don't have to," she once said to me. The last few days I've been contemplating whether or not that's ignorant of her . . . or if maybe, for once, she has a good point. Regardless, it's a new school week tomorrow and I'm going to have to brave it alone.
I stayed with a friend last night, a friend who lives in a house with 3, going on 4, other people. They are all theatre types as well, and we've been friends for the past four years. It's kind of scary to think what's going to happen when this year is over. I mean, walking into their house there is always something going on. Friends of friends staying over, parents in town, someone cooking, running lines, playing the guitar, yelling, playing video games, doing laundry, singing, rehearsing . . . etc. etc. etc. It's a nice escape from my little box of an apartment. Don't get me wrong, living alone is the elixir of my life, but every once in awhile I need to feel the chaos while being reassured that the world is still spinning. That's enough thinking about that. I'd rather pretend that this year isn't going to end in everyone going their separate ways. Now who is being ignorant?
On more of a ranting note. What the heck is up with 2 day weekends? Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday being a homework, clean, run errands day does not constitute a full weekend! Seriously, I think the world would be a much saner place if everyone had Monday's off too. Of course, this would probably throw that whole idea of being a slave to the man in corporate America. Sawweeettt, let's do it! Who's with me?!
I'd also love to know how finding someone has proved to be such a difficult task. I admit, I'm different and my standards on things may be too unrealistic, but it's getting a little discouraging. I just want to find out why every guy I meet that looks promising turns out to smother me with far too much attention and far too many pleas to make things serious. Either that, or they never want you back. Isn't there some sort of middle ground where there aren't any "games," but there is the thrill of the chase and the desire to want one another instead of need one another? No one should need anyone but themselves and God. I'm so tired of being needed. It's absurd. I used to think that by 23 I'd be in a serious relationship, be making blockbuster films, and traveling the world. Then I realized that four years and a degree wasn't enough. So, alas, here I go with a B.A. on my way for more knowledge. I'm scrounging up money to backpack through Europe for a month this summer, and I'm starting to realize that the life I imagined at ten years old is not the one I'm going to be living. Still, even though I pride myself in being extremely independent and controlled . . . sometimes I feel lonely. Sometimes I just want someone to share my thoughts, dreams, trials, and tribulations with. Sometimes I feel like no one understands me. I've been told that I'm in my own little world. I don't think this is a bad thing, but I can't be the only living being on my little planet. Can I?
Live Long and Prosper-
Kendall on the Dark Side
Posted by Live From Fleet Street at 12:14 PM 0 comments
Welcome To Fleet Street
Welcome to an uncensored look into our lives. Yes, it's going to be extremely exciting and may even put you on the edge of your seat. Oh, yes. We don't lie. On a serious note, we're in desperate need of a creative outlet . . . somewhere we can escape the doom and gloom of the day to day college atmosphere. Sure, the weekends are great but they encompass two days of fun and one day of laundry, cleaning, and HOMEWORK. FML. Yes, we will abbreviate things. Our identities will remain anonymous, but our posts are 100% reality. Only the names have been changed.
Background Information:
We all went to the same high school in a typical small town. Ironically, we all ended up at the same college. Brynn and Rorie have been best friends since senior year of high school, only to find Kendall freshman year of college. Brynn and Rorie are currently living together and Kendall lives off campus. We all seem to view life in a different way than society's "norm," but we're okay with that.
-Brynn and Kendall
Posted by Live From Fleet Street at 9:24 PM 0 comments